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Hello, I'm Robyn Bruneau.

Having grown in the contemplative Christian tradition for over 25 years​,​ my life with God has come alive through such practices as silence​,​ solitude​,​ stillness​,​ sabbath-keeping​,​ communion and formational biblical study. I received an MA in Christian Spirituality with a Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Directed Retreats from Creighton​,​ a Jesuit University in Nebraska. While at Creighton​,​ my family and I had the unique and enriching experience of living in residence at a Benedictine Monastery for eight months where my husband and I were Oblate candidates. My undergraduate work was with Taylor University in Alberta where I received a BA in Christian Studies with a particular focus on the Old and New Testament. I am also currently doing graduate work at the Theology of the Body Institute in Pennsylvania. Drawing from the deep well of both Catholic and Protestant traditions​,​ I seek to offer spiritual direction in a way that honors the great depth and breadth of our sacred Judeo-Christian heritage. Several years ago​,​ I took a personal pilgrimage across Italy. It was one of the most exquisite experiences of my life and I was struck by the quote​,​ “pilgrims travel halfway around the world to walk on holy ground​,​ only to discover that they have never walked on anything else” (Arthur Paul Boers). As Christian mystics and sojourners have attested to for centuries​,​ God is most often found hidden in the ordinary​,​ and it is through our everyday life that we come to know the great Lover of our souls. In spiritual direction​,​ we work together to recognize how God—as Father​,​ Son and Spirit—is moving in your daily experiences while seeking to identify the barriers that keep you from opening your life more fully and fruitfully to God’s loving presence. This form of accompaniment is rooted in the belief that God wants to be found. When we listen carefully together with open receptivity​,​ we find that God is eager to show Himself to us in ways that are both healing​,​ liberating and deeply transformative.

Reviews from customers (1)

  • AE

    Never have I felt so seen, heard or held in my life as I did during this session with Robyn. Her ability to sit with you wherever you're at in your life, is both liberating and comforting. Robyn holds so much kindness and non judgemental openness in the space; allowing the client to go through whatever they're going through in a truly supportive and safe environment. I highly recommend Robyn for anyone dealing with grief, loss, pain or any anything else they may be experiencing in their lives. Thank you Robyn!

    AlexiaSeptember 2024

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