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Hungry: Listening to the Inner Voice of Longing
Hungry: Listening to the Inner Voice of Longing

Hungry: Listening to the Inner Voice of Longing

Every spiritual seeker is compelled by an inner longing for something real—something that satisfies the inner ache for greater meaning, purpose and connection. Often our hunger leads us toward patterns of addiction, compulsion, ambition or co-dependency. Yet, at the very heart of these lifestyle patterns is a God-given yearning for something more. To this, we hear God’s gentle invitation, “Open wide your mouth, and I will fill it.” I have learned to pay very close attention to these longings in my own soul. While spiritual hunger often expresses itself in ways that are a bit messy and disordered at first, learning to listen to these inner yearnings becomes a pathway to the very heart of God. Jesus, in His famous Sermon on the Mount said, “Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied.” By fostering direction experiences that are open, gentle and honoring, I seek to create an environment where we can courageously explore these places of the heart and soul where true sacred longing is often just below the surface. Like finding a hidden treasure, our deepest and most authentic desires are a precious life-force that propel our souls toward God. Learning to recognize and then re-direct our spiritual hunger is critical to deepening our relationship with both the Father, the Son and the Spirit and to finding true satisfaction in Him. **********USER TESTIMONIALS********** “I have spent over a year with Robyn as my spiritual director. At each session I have learned to listen for God- to quiet my mind and be silent before Him. It’s amazing the ways God has spoken to me in these sessions. The sessions have helped open up my heart to God’s love for me and experience His love in deeper ways. I would highly recommend Robyn as a spiritual director.” - Kristen J

Practice Types

  • Compassion
  • Guidance & Coaching
  • Self-Discovery

Spiritual Traditions

  • Christianity


  • God & Divinity
  • Hope & Positivity
  • Meaning & Purpose
  • Oneness & Harmony
  • Personal Growth
  • Prosperity & Success
  • Reality & Perception
  • Relaxation & Sleep

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Hungry: Listening to the Inner Voice of Longing


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