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Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

Take a trip to another lifetime, another timeline where you lived a completely different experience than the one you are living now! Explore a new home, different people, curious places and important life events! You will find yourself completely relaxed as you drift into your subconscious through hypnosis. You will be guided through a relevant past (or future) lifetime and be taken through experiences that an help you to learn lessons or gain insight on reoccurring themes or obstacles in your current life now. All of the information will come directly from you! Your hypnotherapist merely just asks questions and you, yourself are the one who speaks the answers! It will come easy for you when you are under hypnosis. Your session will be audio recorded to an m4a audio file and sent to you so you will always have it to reference and listen back to.

Practice Types

  • Energy Work
  • Guidance & Coaching
  • Imagery & Symbolism
  • Meditation
  • Mystical Experiences
  • Self-Discovery

Spiritual Traditions

  • Paganism
  • Interfaith


  • Death & Grief
  • Freedom
  • Meaning & Purpose
  • Morality
  • Self & the Soul
  • Supernatural Beings

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    Past Life Regression


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    * All times are in your local Etc/UTC timezone

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