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Hello, I'm Maddie C.

Hi! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m Maddie​,​ a Hypnotherapist specializing in Past Life Regressions​,​ Higher Self Connections​,​ and Spiritual Mentorship​,​ and I’m passionate about helping you heal! I am a wholistic practitioner who believes in viewing the mind​,​ body and soul as one complete and beautiful system. With extensive knowledge and interest in subconscious reprogramming​,​ reincarnation​,​ energy work​,​ nervous system regulation​,​ mindset shifting​,​ and the quantum energy field​,​ I provide a deep understanding and eagerness to explore alternative and mystical topics. I love working with clients who are looking to take the next steps in their spiritual and wellness journey and I really thrive best when I can help someone make meaningful and long lasting improvements in their life. Helping you find abundance while pursuing your life purpose is my ultimate goal and divine specialty! I would love to meet you and see how I can help you align to your Risen Mind today. All the love & light​,​ -Maddie

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