Pañcabhūta: The Five-Elements Meditation
The ancient Vedic scriptures, the Upaniṣads, point out that we are one with the cosmos. We are not an isolated ego in a separate body, but rather, are deeply rooted in the Totality. In fact, we are non-different from this intelligent universe. One way by which we can experience this oneness, this non-duality, is through the Five-Elements meditative practice (pañcabhūta-upāsana). This practice involves analyzing the cosmos and ourselves (body, emotion, thoughts, ego, memory) though the Five-Elements model and resolving the sense of separation into the non-dual Awareness, which is the substratum of all. In this session, I will provide some philosophical background (20 mins) followed by a guided meditation (40 mins). My goal is to help you help yourself. One of the benefits of this practice is a dramatic reduction in the sense of loneliness and an increase of joyful peace. This practice also acts as a bridge to other meditative practices that support the pursuit of liberation (mokṣa).
Practice Types
- Guidance & Coaching
- Meditation
- Mystical Experiences
- Philosophy
Spiritual Traditions
- Buddhism
- Hinduism
- Other
- Eternal Bliss
- Freedom
- Self & the Soul
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Pañcabhūta: The Five-Elements Meditation