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Introduction to Spiritual Direction
Introduction to Spiritual Direction

Introduction to Spiritual Direction

Christian spiritual direction grows out of the early Church's practice of ‘paraklesis’, where Jesus called His people to walk "close beside" one another in spiritual discernment and discipleship. Jesus was named Immanuel or 'God with us', bringing God close enough to touch. As we begin to walk in this profound truth, we find that God is often hidden in plain sight and that Jesus is closer to us than our own heartbeat. In spiritual direction, we work together to recognize how God (as Father, Son and Spirit) is moving in your life, while seeking to identify and overcome the barriers that keep you from opening your life more fully and fruitfully to God's loving presence. When we listen carefully together with open receptivity, we find that God is eager to show Himself to us in ways that are both healing, liberating and deeply transformative. Because spiritual direction is new to many people, I offer this no-fee introductory session as an opportunity to get to know each other and explore what a direction session might look like. I invite you to ask me any questions--both general and specific--as you consider the role that spiritual direction may have in this season of your life.

Practice Types

  • Compassion
  • Guidance & Coaching
  • Prayer
  • Self-Discovery
  • Stories

Spiritual Traditions

  • Christianity


  • God & Divinity
  • Personal Growth
  • Self & the Soul

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    Introduction to Spiritual Direction


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